


These are Full list of Rwanda genocide memorial sites that are almost everywhere in the country, ‘memorial site in rwanda”,  they were built to commemorate the 1994 Rwanda Genocide and act as a reminder of the dark period that the Rwanda’s passed through and this process has helped the people reunite more than it ever existed in Rwanda. In this Rwanda genocide memorial sites a number of Rwanda nationals died because the Hutus were fighting against the Tutsi these are both Rwanda tribes. A visit to Rwanda and not visiting one of the sites is regarded as an empty visit. This genocide started in April of 1994 and lasted for 100 more days and believed that  rwanda death rate was over 800000 people were killed in this period, it regarded as the darkest history of Rwanda, Rwanda genocide memorial sites helped the country better in to a much more safe country than it was and also recognized among the safest in the world with the much efforts of the now Rwanda president His excellence Paul Kagame who led the Rwanda patriotic front, this front brought peace to life in Rwanda again and even much more better than it has ever existed.


 During Rwandan genocide,  number of properties where destroyed, thousands of people lost their lives, families where separated, a number of people flee out of the country to the neighboring countries like Uganda, Kenya, DRC, Tanzania among others. When you pay a visit at the Bugesera reconciliation camp you will see how the by them murders (Hutus) and the victims (Tutsi) have forgiven each other and reunited to made Rwanda a very peace full country. The sites Also have other genocides all over the world to show very one that it didn’t only happen in Rwanda but also elsewhere and now it’s an altogether thing to help the whole world fight against these evil acts.

The genocide memorial museums are a huge and big park of Rwanda’s history of Rwanda genocide memorial sites and when you think about visiting Rwanda you should endeavor to visit and learn about the genocide and the long journey the Rwanda locals used to overcome this nightmare. Some of the genocide sites to visit include The Kigali Genocide Memorial, camp Kigali Belgian Monument, Nyanza Genocide Memorial, Ntarama Genocide Memorial, Nyamata Genocide Memorial, Murambi Genocide Memorial. People come over at different times throughout the year but it’s better to visit in April of year because this is when the whole Rwanda commemorates their death.

A number of things to view on  Rwanda genocide memorial sites, like the wall of names of those who lost their lives in the genocide, the memorial gardens where you will have a quite contemplation about the history of the genocide, the orphanage put up for children who survived the genocide with no parents, the mass grave for the victims of the genocide, Rwanda Art Museum, some of the skulls, clothes, blood stains on the walls. You can choice to visit any of these according to your itinerary and your location.



it is believed that they’re where a number of reasons that had piled up hence leading to the massacre which include.

Hutu envied the Tutsi because they were richer than them, the Hutus are the original inhabitants of Rwanda and where patriotists, the Tutsi migrated to Rwanda and where cattle keepers. The Hutu saw themselves as peasants in their own country, because even following the independence of Rwanda, the Tutsi were given big and many positions in the government which annoyed the Hutus further hence more hatred and this became one of the reasons that sparked off the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. When the genocide started in 1994 reports of mass murder with in Rwanda began to circulate in its neighbors and all over the world, at first it was considered to be a miner tribal-based ethical violence and little was done to stop it.

A visit at the genocide can be added to your Itinerary of explore Rwanda or any other safari to Rwanda, you will have a culture visit to some of the Rwanda villages like Iby’iwacu cultural village, kitabi cultural village and encounter with the Rwanda locals and see how hospitable and humble as they are, experience how they prepare their cultural dishes and taste if at all you wish, a visit at tea plantations. You can also visit other museums apart from the genocide museums like ethnographic museum and learn more about the Rwanda’s like their attires, traditional tools, history. A visit at the King’s Palace. You shouldn’t forget to visit the national parks of Rwanda and carry pout activities like Gorilla trekking, mountain climbing in Volcanoes National Park, chimpanzee trekking, hiking, canopy walk in Nyungwe forest National Park. Fence walk, game drives, Boat Cruise, Wildlife viewing in Akagere National Park.

More about the genocide site, there location, how to reach there and also what to see there.



Kigali Genocide Memorial center is Rwandan genocide memorials, the final resting place of over 250000 Rwandans massacred in the 1994 Rwanda genocide but the actual number can’t be accurate but varies from 250000-1 million. The number of people killed is widely accepted as to be 800000. The memorial center’s construction started in 2000 by the Kigali city council and opened on the 10th anniversary of the Rwanda genocide in April 2004, it is located in Gisozi just outside the central part of capital city of Rwanda , it became a permanent memorial to those who fell victim in the genocide and a palace for others to grieve the loved ones they lost, the place has many exhibit places like a space for skulls of the victims, their personal belongings like clothes, photos and genocide perpetrators. The center also has photos and descriptions of other genocides that happened all over the world to show that, this isn’t only Rwanda’s problem but also a world-wide problem that shouldn’t happen any where else in the world. A garden and mass grave where the last victims were buried is also found at the center, a visitor’s center for students and other visitors who want to know more about the genocide, the center is managed and run by the AEGIS Trust a non-government organization committed to stop genocide from happening around the world on behalf of the National Commission for the Fight against Genocide. A visit at the Kigali genocide memorial center can be added to your 1-day Kigali city tour because it’s just a 10 minutes’ drive from Kigali the capital of Rwanda, or any other Rwandia visit Safari like the 8 Explore Rwanda safari among others check out our Rwanda safari Itineraries.


Murambi Genocide Memorial Site is located in Nyamagabe district in the southern part of Rwanda, just 126 km for Kigali city.it is the most difficult memorial site to visit because of the skeletons of the genocide victims on display, but these skeletons are not for the victims killed on site these one where got form the surrounding areas, because the ones who were killed on ste where buried by French and placed their thousands of bodies and then placed a volleyball court over the mass grave. These victims tried to hide in a church but the bishop and Mayor set them in to a trap by sending them to the technical school, the now genocide memorial. They claimed that the French troops would protect them from the Hutus, on arriving at the school they were starved for two days to ensure that they became weak to help themselves. On 21/ April 1994 the French soldiers who were meant to protect them disappeared and the Hutu Interahamwe militiamen attacked and killed the Tutsi who had seeked refugee at the school over 20000 were killed on spot and others who managed to run off where killed the following day when they tried to hide in the nearby church.

The memorial site was founded on 21/April 1995 in the school building and has the reception where the visitors are taught what happened, cementary where more than 50000 victims were laid, preserved bodies of victims, trenches where bodies of victims were cast after they were murdered, the valley ball pitch where the French flag was raised.



Nyamata Genocide Memorial is a former church were thousands of Tutsis were killed and approximately 36 km from Kigali, the victims run to the church in search for refugee and locked themselves in there, it’s unfortunate that a big number of them gathered here, this is the second darkest site of the genocide after Murambi genocide center. Hutu militias forced opened the doors with hand grenades and reigned on them with machetes. The celling of the church shows bullet holes and the altar cloths are still stained with blood and the whole place stained with blood and identity cards left which where used to identify the Tutsi and the Hutus by then and outside the church are mass graves. The church is now kept the church as a memory to the genocide and masses are not held here anymore.

The church is now visited by countless tourists, genocide survivors, locals and students who want to know more about the genocide of 1994.


Rwanda genocide memorial sites, thousands of Tutsi found their way to the ETO in kicukiro district on the outer section of the city after the arrival of the UN peacekeeper, the victims where certain that, on their arrival here they would be safe under the protection of the UN force under protection of 90 soldiers deployed but they were left stranded and meet their fate, the camp which was set up at the Ecole Technique Officielle was attacked by the Hutus and killed 10 Belgian peacekeepers which forced the rest of them to flew back to their country, it is alleged that these victims pleaded for them not to leave and some even asking to killed by them but all in vail leaving helpless men, women and children alone and all gathered in one place , the Hutu militants marched the refugees to Nyanza a garbage dump where they were mercilessly hacked to death. It has over 10,000 and more genocide graves of victims. This place often acts as the ground for anniversary of the genocide that is commemorated in April annually.



Bisesero Genocide site is also known as the memorial of resistance, over 40000 people died in in this site but they defended them selves some how and also called out to French peace troops for help. During the period of the months of May and June all the residents around Bisesero come to refugee here, the Tutsi also prepared to fight other than succumb to Interahamwe extremists. Men and boys were deployed on top of the hill called Muyira to spot their enemies from above they used stones and spears as the tools they had to protect themselves, they tried their best until 13th when the French invaded, by 27th June they promised to help and interact in peace keeping and stopping the genocide, residents came out of their hiding seeking help from the whites, the French denied and claimed to be back in the period of 3 days. Upon their departure the Hutu started killings day and night, by the time the French came back after three days the area was only covered with dead bodies. A massive grave is being constructed to burry the over 60000 bodies, because the genocide memorial was built with three buildings in 1997 and are full of human bones.


Ntarama Genocide Memorial was a catholic church and converted into a genocide memorial on 14th April 1995 to com-mutate the lives of the 5000 who lost their lives here in the 1994 genocide on 14th April 1994. The story is almost similar and smaller to other church genocide memorial centers, when the Tutsi hide at the church thinking its safe the Hutu’s attacked them they’re by removing bricks one by one and got space to use their weapon and massacre the Tutsis.


Nyarubuye Genocide memorial Over 2000 Rwandan were killed at this church, it is 140 km from Kigali the capital of Rwanda. Unlike the other church killings were the church was made a genocide site, this church resumed the work of God and with a genocide site adjacent to it, it was found that the by then district mayor Sylvestre Gacumbitsi was directly involved in the genocide by distributing arms and encouraging Hutu’s to use rape and later maim and kill the Tutsi.

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