

About Africa Safari Tours

More About Africa Safari Tours
About Africa Safari Tours

About Africa Safari Tours , we Best Africa safari tours is an  indigenous and one of the premier Africa safari companies/tour operators based in Kampala, Uganda. As Africa Safari Tour, we pride ourselves in organizing game viewing safaris cultural Tours, birding safaris, hiking safaris, family safaris, honeymoon vacations, education tours, and nature tours in various destinations in Africa safari tours all inclusive.

Africa Safari Tour is a local Uganda-based safari company and its the Best Africa safari tour company that is fully registered, accredited, and licensed in Uganda aiming at offering unforgettable experiences and we take pride in Uganda safaris, Rwanda safaris, Burundi safaris, Botswana, DRCongo Safaris, Kenya safaris, and Tanzania Tours.  We handle all kinds of tours and safaris from groups of up to 100 people, small groups, families to an individual or solo travelers with unbiased commitment and endeavoring to make one’s safari experience the best they ever had. We take stride for our most valued clients, for your trust, and as a form of appreciation for choosing us (Africa Safari Tours) to take care of your safari needs.

Amazing Africa Safari Tours together with our professional and dedicated team, we guarantee to provide you with the most Ultimate African safari experience together. Our team is knowledgeable and well informed in various aspects of tourism and because of this, we have services to our clients which have yielded excellent results and comments.  We have a  huge team of experienced tour guides in their broad specialties and languages are spoken, we offer guides who speak and are very fluent in English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, and other major local languages. Our commitment, professionalism, and expertise rank us among the Best Africa safari tours  companies and safari/tour operators in Africa, we are represented on Trip Advisor Africa  and Safari Booking.com,

Why Africa Safari Tours?

We offer incomparable service expertise and we promise to deliver a worthy superior service at a very affordable Africa safari tours costs  and reasonable price quote. Upon arrival at the international airport or entry points of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and other destinations you are visiting you will experience the difference. Our wealth of knowledge and experience in tourism help us to create a safari, comfortable and enjoyable trip, our company provides a secure base of clients and a feel of confidence in the ever-changing tourism world.

As safest Africa safari tours, we believe that when you choose Africa Safari Tours, you will be equally moved by the unique and fascinating outstanding landscape, a variety of wildlife species, and rich cultural diversity. Our aim is to organize the most amazing, enjoyable, and fun trips in Africa. we guarantee the reliability, safety, and total satisfaction at unbeatable quotes.

We are a fully accredited Uganda-based Safari and we guarantee a safari and reliable safari with international operating standards.

Why Travel with Africa Safari Tours?

Why Travel with Africa Safari Tours?
Why Travel with Africa Safari Tours?

As it is known, it is a good idea to use a tour operator during the safari to Africa or any other destination around the world. Choosing the right tour operator to travel with is quite hard, it is not easy to trust tour operators and companies as they are many of them promising you great value for your money during your travels.

However below are the reasons which will give you an insight to why you should choose Africa Safari Tours over other tour operators to organize your travel or safari to several destinations in East Africa and Africa at large to deliver for you an incredible travel experience.

  1. Experienced and very informed. As  Africa Safari Tours, we are very experienced and informed in the tourism industry. Tourism as an industry requires very experienced and informed individuals from tour consultants, safari–driver guides, and rangers. Our team is very experienced, informed, and efficient and this will be witnessed from the moment you send your safari inquiry, our tour consultant team know exactly what they are doing so they will immediately respond to your inquiry with accurate information which will be fit your request.  From the tour operators, our safari-driver guides are well informed about the destinations you are interested in visiting, their experience comes in handy with knowing the right routes to take so as to get you to your destination safely without wasting time.Our team is very friendly and takes the client in high regard, during the process of booking your safari and all through your safari, our clients are very free to ask any question they might have. Replying to questions with accurate information is part of our responsibility as a team.
    Africa safari tours Are Experienced and very informed
    Experienced and very informed


  2. Passionate and driven about our work

It is very easy for tour companies and operators to say how passionate and driven they are about their work, however, this goes beyond words, our team is very passionate and self-driven to offer you an experience you will remember for the rest of your life.

Our team works hard to meet the needs of our beloved clients and they are willing to provide all the necessary information for you as a client to make an informed decision, from exchanging emails as a client you will feel welcome, comfortable, and at ease before even booking your safari with us.

The passion and drive our team has towards their job is witnessed in the reviews from our clients, for reference you can check with our trip advisor.

  1. Locally raised

There are many tour companies ready to offer you all the services you want during your travels to various safari destinations in Africa, which sets Africa Safari Tours from other tour companies and tour operators, is that we are locally raised and based tour company.

As a local tour company/operator, we have more on-ground experience in providing all the services you want, know so much about the activities you might intend to do, and how best you can enjoy your safari time. We also know and abide by the local laws and regulations which means our team will guide you in following the laws of society including respecting cultures, beliefs, and other unspoken rules.

Using a tour operator which is locally raised such as  Africa Safari Tours cost that will save you some money, using middlemen to organize your safari increases the cost of your safari as you are employing the operating services of two companies.

Africa safari tours are locally raised
Locally raised

4. Friendly communication and feedback

First impressions and feedback play a great role in the tourism industry and that is one of the slogans of Africa Safari Tours, communication in tourism is generally digital communication and from the initial communication with our team, you will notice how friendly and very efficient we are.

Our team is focused on offering you meaningful information that aligns with your interests and our correspondents are available 24/7 to attend to your needs as a traveler in regards to your safari and travels.

Friendly communication and feedback at Africa safari tours
Friendly communication and feedback

First impressions and feedback play a great role in the tourism industry and that is one of the slogans of  Popular Africa Safari Tours, communication in tourism is generally digital communication and from the initial communication with our team, you will notice how friendly and very efficient we are.

Our team is focused on offering you meaningful information that aligns with your interests and our correspondents are available 24/7 to attend to your needs as a traveler in regards to your safari and travels.

  1. Licensed Company

One of the major reasons you (tourist) should choose to travel with us is that we are a licensed company, our company is bound by the laws that protect the money and trust of their prospective customers. In Uganda, the tourism sector is guided by the Tourist Agents (Licensing) Act 1968, The Government of Uganda Tourist Agents (Licensing) Act 1972, and the Hotel Act 1964.

These Acts set regulations to be adhered to by the tour operators in Uganda including Africa Safari Tours, in Uganda each and every Tour agency is required to apply for an investment License which is awarded by the Tourism Licensing Committee and the license is granted after a thorough analysis.

As a tourist seeking for the validity of our license as a tour company as a way of building credibility, you can request a scanned copy of our license. You can also go to the government websites for the company and business registration or websites for the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB).

     6.  Affordable Tour packages and pricing

At Africa Safari Tours, we offer affordable Africa safari tour packages to various safari destinations in Africa.  Though there are many tour agencies offering already made safari packages that you can choose from, we offer   the Best Africa safari packages based on your interests as a client. Our  tour packages are tailored and will match your desired activities and attractions. For more details about the safari packages, you can send us an email or check our website.

Our tailored safari packages include the following amenities

  • Picking you up at the airport and dropping you off when you are done with your safari.
  • Transportation to various places and activities of your choosing.
  • Book your accommodation and meals.
  • Booking of permits and passes to various activities/places.
  • provide you with drivers/guides who know so much about what you have come to see.
  • Also, general advice about other things
Affordable Tour packages - African safari tours
Affordable Tour packages and pricing

7.  Ability to handle large groups of tourists

As Africa Safari Tours, we are capable of handling all sizes (numbers of tourists) ranging from the individual (solo travelers, group travelers, and family travelers). With the help of our services and committed team we can handle all categories of safaris and travelers, we have bigger modes of transportation, extensive accommodation arrangements, and a team of experienced safari guides.

Ability to handle large groups of tourists
Ability to handle large groups of tourists

As Africa Safari Tours, we are capable of handling all sizes (number of tourists) ranging from individual (solo travelers, group travelers, and family travelers). With the help of our services and committed team we can handle all categories of safaris and travelers, we have bigger modes of transportation, extensive accommodation arrangements, and a team of experienced safari guides.

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