

Tsavo West National Park

Tsavo West National Park

Tsavo West National Park is made up of two National parks, it was a whole and one of the biggest parks in the world but the Mombasa Highway A109 road crossed together with railway line through it dividing it into two Parks the East and Western Tsavo National parks. The park is located in the Coast province of Kenya between Nairobi and Mombasa cities.  The park has archeological site with a lot of stone age that evidence that humankind lived in this are 6000 years ago, they are located in Galana River which is said to have been the source of lively hood for early man.

Tsavo West National Park

Tsavo West National Park covers an area of 7065 sq km (2728 sq mi) distance from nairobi to tsavo west national park, making it one for the largest protected areas in Kenya. Tsavo West National Park is the most famous among the two Tsavo national parks because it easily accessible from the coastal province as well as the park’s scenic beauty. The park adjoins other national parks like Amboseli National park and other conservation areas to form the Tsavo Conservation Area. The park has diverse habitant of riverine forest, Palm thickest, Rocky outcrops, Ridges, Mountains, plain, the wildlife, rock climbing potential and guided walks along the Tsavo River these feature nickname the park “the land of lava, Mzima springs, magical sunsets and Man-eaters”, the magnificent landscapes of heavily wooded hills covering most of the north part of the Park making it the best place for safari lodges and game viewing areas where they are most concentrated, savannah eco-system with open grasslands, Scrublands, Acacia woodland, belts of riverine vegetation and rocky ridges liken poacher’s lookout which is the best spot for viewing the teeming herds in the plains below. South of Tsavo West park is characterized open plains though access is a little bit tricky because parts of the park is crossed by another highway between Voi and Taveta.

Tsavo West National park derives its name from the Tsavo river. You will be amazed by the crystal waters that come from the underground of lava rocks, these rocks produce over 50 million gallons of clear crystal waters on a daily basis.

Tsavo West National Park is famous known for the lions who attacked the railway line workers which even delayed the work in the early 1800s.

History of tsavo national park

The park was established in 1948 under Kenya Wildlife Services and it is among the oldest wildlife parks in the country, covering about 21000 square Kilometers (8108 sq mi) it was Kenya’s largest national Park and one of the largest national parks in the world. The park was later divided geographically by Mombasa Highway-A109 road between Nairobi and Mombasa and the railway that runs more less alongside. The park was divided in to the current Tsavo East and Tsavo West and they both stretch for about 130 km (80 mi).  the park boosts for its big number of wildlife which include hyenas, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelle, hippos, herds od elephants, cheetahs, lions. The park is also home to variety of bird species over 400 are recorded in the park like the eight types of hornbills.


Animals in tsavo west national park, the park is home to a number of wildlife like cheetahs, lions, antelopes, zebras, elephants, buffaloes, hippos, olive baboons, Topi, Kudu, leopards to mention but a few, the park has a Rhino reserve, big cats, for a true African wilderness adventure Tsavo west is your perfect destination.

Tsavo West National Park

Bird species

Over 400 bird species are hosted in the park, they can best be viewed at the Ngulia hills, the migration of bird into the park is with in the wet season, bird species recorded in the park include Golden pipit, Shelley’s starling, pied kingfisher, Golden palm weaver, Eastern black-headed oriole, Somali ostrich, Taita fiscal, Corncrake, Warbler, African fin foot, Basra reed warbler among others.

Attractions in tsavo west national park

Ngulia Sanctuary

The sanctuary was found top protect the rare black Rhinos, the sanctuary records a rampant increase in the number of Rhinos form the time of their introduction to the park.

The Mzima Springs

More than 50 gallons of crystal waters are produced by under ground forces onto the surface through the bottom of the lava rock. These features of the active volcanoes attract a number of tourists into the park to witness the power of nature.

Lake Jipe

The park is a water source to wildlife with in the park, a number of wildlife species come top the lake to quench their thirst and hence wildlife can be viewed at the area like crocodiles, hippos water birds like African fin foot to mention but a few.


Rhino tracking

The sanctuary is over 90 sq km fence to keep the Rhinos with in their premises, the main reason for the sanctuary was to ensure safety of the Rhinos, they increasing gradually over the years.

Visit Mzima Springs

These springs attract many people into the park, they are found in the northern part of the park near Chyulu hills. The water splashes out as the guest enjoy the wonders of nature.

Game viewing

Tsavo West National park is famous its large number of herds of elephants which roam around the park. The park is home to a number of wildlife species including all Africa’s big five (lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes and Rhinos) and other 50 species of wildlife like cheetahs, Zebras, Hippos, Wildebeests, giraffes, wild dogs, hyenas to mention but a few. The wildlife species can best be viewed in three wildlife game drive that is the morning game, evening and the night game drives, the park is among the few national parks that offer night game drives.


In this activity you will be guide by a park ranger who knows bird life best, where to find them, and also showing each one by name, Tsavo East National Park is home to over 500 bird species with migratory and permanent bird species like goshawk, Vulturine Guinea fowl, black-headed lapwing, Red-winged lark, Rosy-patched bush shrike, Red-bellied parrot, Martial eagle, Golden pipit, Somali bee-eater, Somali Ostriches, Taita falcon to mention but a few.

Accommodation in tsavo west national park

The park has got accommodation facilities that enable the visitors to enjoy their stay like Kamboy Guest house, Lake Jipe Cottages and also camping sites are availed in the area like Kamboyo campsite, Chyulu campsite, Kudu campsite, Kenge Camp site among other lodges at tsavo west national park

Tsavo west national park location

The park is 240 km from Nairobi and 250 from Mombasa

By Road; the main route is via Chyulu gate from Amboseli National Park and Andeli gate from Nairobi.

From Mombasa use Tsavo get near Manyani

By Air; land to any of these air strips like Kamboyo, Kilaguni, Tsavo gate, Jipe, Kasigau, Finch Hottons, Ziwani, Maktau among other airstrips.

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