

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria or Lake Nyanza.

lake victoria

 Lake Victoria is the second largest fresh water lake by surface area in the world. It is also one of the African great lakes with a surface area of about 59,947 square kilometers. Lake Victoria was named after Queen Victoria by the explorer john Hanning Speke and it has been part of local legend long after Speke’s discovery of Lake Victoria in 1858. Speke claim that this lake is the source of the Nile.

Its a habitant to wildlife for example mammal species like giant otter shrew, hippopotamus, and many marsh mongoose. Reptiles like Nile crocodile, many crustaceans and the African helmeted turtle, including four different species of freshwater crab.

Victoria  has over 200 fish species and Haplocromine cichlid is the prim endemic group. Though many of these species have become extinct 50 years ago and examined by scientists and 80% of the indigenous fish species have decreased in Lake Victoria.

This lake  attracts tourists due the different activities that are carried out such as fishing for the Nile perch, boating on Lake Victoria and also birding, nature walks on the islands among other. There is high risk of contracting Bilharzia a topical disease caused by parasitic flatworms especially when you swim in the lake.

Lake Victoria is threatened by overfishing practices, water pollution from locals and industries and water hyacinth invasion. And also 70% of the forest cover in the catchment is destroyed.

Around Lake Victoria, accommodation can be found or located in the landside town of Entebbe or you can stay on one of the 84 islands of the ssese Archipelago where tourists go and relax their minds on Tan colored beaches with a backdrop of shimmering lake waters, warm sunshine and swaying palms. Accommodation facilities like Brovad sands lodge, Victoria forest resort, ssese island beach, ngamba island tents, mirembe resort beach among others.

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