

Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi Uganda safari tours 

	 islands on lake bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi is a lake located in Uganda in the south western region found between kisoro and kabale district and near Rwanda border. It is a very stunning lake with over 29 islands and the 5 famous islands for example Bwama island, which is the largest, Bacuranuka Island, Kyahugye Island, Bushara Island and Akampene Island. These islands have got different attractions which makes each one unique from each other.

Lake Bunyonyi is about 900 meters deeper and this makes it the second deepest lake in Africa after Lake Tanganyika which is 1,470 meters deep. It is also located at 1,962 meters above the sea level which is about 25km long and 7km wide.

Lake Bunyonyi harbors over 200 bird species and this makes it an awesome destination for bird watching  such as white tailed monads, African harrier hawks, cardinal wood pecker, levillant cuckoo, grey crowned cranes, egrets, African king fisher, bronzy sunbird, black herons, grey shrike, sunbirds,  this is a home for Uganda birding safaris

When you wish to see wild animal while at Lake Bunyonyi, then the best island to view animals is kahunye island “the president of this island” the first island from the mainland. The island is home to animals like zebras, impalas, the Uganda kob, water buck, De brazza’s monkeys and Bush buck, among others. There are also many different fish species in Lake Bunyonyi like Nile perch, Nile tilapia, mud fish, Cray fish among others which favor fishing activities on the lake. But it is said that today crawfish are plenty while other fish species like Nile perch and others are not found in the lake.

There are over 10 amazing activities that are done on lake Bunyonyi such as bird watching due to the presence of many bird species, mountain biking, zip lining, swimming, canoeing on the lake, boat cruise, Bushara island camp, Twa among others. All these activities are so interesting and will reward you with a great view of this stunning lake in Uganda.


accommodation in lake bunyonyi

There is a number of accommodation facilities around lake Bunyonyi where visitors can have breakfast, lunch, dinner and overnight which are luxury, midrange and budget accommodation in lake bunyonyi such as Bunyonyi view resort, natures prime island, Bushara island camp, Bunyonyi overland resort, Bunyonyi safari lodge, Byoona Amagara island, crater bay cottages, OM hostel Bunyonyi and arcadia lodges lake Bunyonyi , bird nest resort lake bunyonyi, lake b

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