

5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys – Rwanda gorilla safaris 

5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys

In this 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys tour, you will visit Rwanda’s most visited National Park, famous National Park and one of the best destinations for gorilla trekking. During the safari you will engage in gorilla trekking one of the best activities to encounter on earth face to face, golden monkey trekking the second-best activity in Rwanda’s forests, A visit Rwanda Dian Fossey grave the American primatologist who researched about gorillas and their habituation, Twin lakes namely Burera and Ruhondo and cultural tour around the villages neighboring the Park.

Brief itinerary  of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys.

Day 1: Pick up and travel to Volcanoes National Park in the Northern part of Rwanda

Day 2: Gorilla trekking

Day 3: Golden monkey trekkings

Day 4: Visit Twin Lakes and Dian Fossey Tombs

Day 5: Departure

Detailed Itinerary of  5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys

Day 1: Pick up and travel to Volcanoes National Park in the Northern part of Rwanda.


On your arrival at the airport for gorillas rwanda tours, on day 1 of  5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys, you will be picked up by Africa safari tours company representative who is also your guide driver and he will brief you about your 5 days gorilla and golden monkey trekking safari, have breakfast and head for a city tour in Kigali the capital city of Rwanda, you will visit the Rwanda genocide memorial center and experience the history of the 1994 genocide that happened in Rwanda where a thousand of Hutus and Tutsi where killed, A visit at the Art centers, Kimironko market among others. Have lunch and then head to volcanoes National Park with a drive of approximately 104 km, you will view rolling hills that gave Rwanda its tittle the” Land of a thousand hills”, beautiful scenery, traditional homesteads, local people among others. On reaching the park check in at the lodge of your choice, have dinner and stay for dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation Options; Sabinyo silver lodge/ Virunga hotel / Kigali guest house/ jack Hanna cottages/ villa gorilla lodge. Meal plan; Lunch and Dinner.

Day 2: Rwanda gorilla trekking 

5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys

On day 2 of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys, after an early breakfast, meet up with your guide driver and head to the park head quarters for briefing from the rangers on the dos and don’ts while in the forest. Your required to carry packed lunch, enough drinking water, rain jacket, and a walking stick which are available for hire at the park headquarters. tracking the gorillas ranges from 2-8 hours depending on where they hosted the previous night and on their movement. Gorillas carry 95% human DNA making them Man’s closest cousin, meeting them is an amazing adventure and a one in a life time experience. At 8:30 you will start your hike with experienced park ranger taking you from steep hills, thick vegetation and different trails searching for the endangered mountain gorillas, on meeting these species you will be allocated an hour to spend with them in their nature environment, gaze at them as they play, feed, communicated, breast feed among other. when you visit Rwanda gorillas, You will also see the head of the family group which you will trek called the silver back. After trekking hike back to the park starting point where you will be rewarded a trekking certificate as a token of appreciation in contributing to the conservation of these species. Return to the lodge for relaxation, have dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation Options; Sabinyo silver lodge/ Virunga hotel / Kigali guest house/ jack Hanna cottages/ villa gorilla lodge. Meal plan; Lunch and Dinner.

Day 3: Transfer to Nyungwe Forest National.

Just as the previous day,  day 3 of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden, Monkeys you’re required to wake up very early in the morning have breakfast, check out of the lodge and transfer to Nyungwe forest National park for a distance of approximately 270 km by road to the home of Primates in Rwanda. Stop over for lunch and en-route with views of the Virunga mountains and lake Kivu along the way. On reaching check in at the lodge, have dinner and an overnight stay.

Accommodation Options; One and Only Nyungwe Hotel (luxury), Nyungwe Hill Top Hotel (Mid-range), Gisakura guesthouse (Budget). Meal Plan; full board.

Day 4: Gorilla Trekking.

On this day 4 of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys, your required to wake up very early and head to Nyungwe National Park for briefing about the rules and guide lines to follow while in the forest. Enter the forest through one of the trails used in tracking. Chances of seeing primates like chimpanzees and grey-cheeked mangabey are not guaranteed because the chimpanzee here are not habituated hence can miss behave and also run away from human presence as they tend to shy away but rangers know how to get them t be viewed. You will also have chances of bird sighting, you will hike up to the waterfalls and relax off there, hike back and meet your guide driver. Drive back to the lodge for relaxation, dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation Options; One and Only Nyungwe Hotel (luxury), Nyungwe Hill Top Hotel (Mid-range), Gisakura guesthouse (Budget). Meal Plan; full board.

Day 5: Departure after rwanda gorillas tours

last day of Rwanda gorillas tours After breakfast depart to Kigali with en-route for lunch. The guide driver will either drop you at a booked hotel or the airport depending on your flight schedules for a safe return home after an amazing adventure of Rwanda. this marks the end of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys.

Note; that you can adjust in the itinerary for your favor on order to have the best experience.

the 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys prices includes 

Gorilla trekking permit

Golden monkey trekking permit

Cultural tour

Dian Fossey grave Hike

Bottled water


The prices of 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys excludes 

International flight

Ground transfers

Vehicle and Fuel

Bottled water

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