

Mashatu Game Reserve

Mashatu Game Reserve is a charming destination in Botswana located in the remote eastern corner of Botswana, this reserve is originally known as Tuli enclave covering an area of 90,000 acres dominated by savannah grasslands, riverine forests, marshland, open plains, and sandstone cliffs.

Mashatu game reserve
Mashatu game reserve

Mashatu game reserve is a habitat to a high concentration of animals and over 350 350 bird species, animals in this reserve include cheetah, zebra, giraffe, eland, impala, steenbok, elephants, wildebeests, wild dog, lion, spotted hyenas, antelopes and many more.

Birds found in Mashatu game reserve include African hawk-eagle, African pygmy goose, Allen’s gallinule, Ayres’s hawk eagle, Booted eagle, Bronze-winged courser, Dusky lark, Dwarf bittern, Kori bustard, Long-billed Crombec, Maccoa duck, Martial eagle, Miombo pied barbet, Mocking cliff chat, Pel’s fishing-owl, Secretary bird, Southern ground hornbill, Spotted crake, Swallow-tailed bee-eater, Temminck’s courser, Three-banded courser, Yellow-breasted Apalis and many more

Activities to do in Mashatu game reserve include biking safaris, Horseback riding, Exceptional game-viewing, Adventurous four-wheel-drive outings and Spectacular bird-watching

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