

Kwando Concession

Kwando concession is located on the northern edge of Botswana bordering Namibia across Kwando river, Kwando concession is one of the larger wildlife concessions in Botswana covering an area of 2,320 square kilometers.

The landscape of this concession is crossed by Kwando river and dominated by huge tracts of thick montane woodland in the western region, a narrow belt of riverine forest along the eastern boundary, large tree islands, and open floodplains in the south and there are 2 photographic camps in the eastern region.

Kwando Concession
Kwando Concession

Kwando concession inhabits a variety of both wildlife and birdlife, animals in Kwando concession include buffalo, zebras, wildebeests, elephants, lions, leopards, impala, red lechwe, giraffe, kudu, tsessebe, spotted hyena, and rarely seen cheetah.

Birds in Kwando concession include African skimmer, Allen’s gallinule, Bennett’s woodpecker, Bradfield’s hornbill, Dickinson’s kestrel, Hartlaub’s babbler, Racket-tailed roller, Southern ground hornbill, Southern carmine bee-eater, Swallow-tailed bee-eater, Wattled crane, White-breasted cuckoo-shrike, White-headed black chat and many more

Safari activities to do in Kwando concession include game drives, seasonal fishing, boat cruises, and birding.

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