

6 Days Swaziland Hiking Safari

6 Days Swaziland Hiking Safari is an adventurous trip conducted in the Southern parts of Africa-Swaziland, a gorgeous kingdom right there where you will have an opportunity to explore its incredible settings of the Highveld mountains, the existence of the Prominent Kruger National Park-a place where the wild game does wander so freely. A slight link to nature via your Bush trip, & you will relish the presence of wildlife such as Lions, etc.

Highlights 6 Days Swaziland Hiking Safari

  • Day 1: Tour Malolotja Nature Reserve
  • Day 2: Sibebe Rock
  • Day 3: Execution Rock positioned in Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Day 4: Cultural trip & Hilane Royal National Park
  • Day 5: Hlane Royal National Park & Shewula Community
  • Day 6:  Mlawula Nature Reserve

Detailed Itinerary 6 Days Swaziland Hiking Safari

Day 1: Tour Malolotja Nature Reserve

Malolotja Nature Reserve
Malolotja Nature Reserve

This is a nature reserve characterized by undulating Hills plus the jagged mountains adjoining the southern part of Africa.

As you transfer deeper into the park, one can get engaged in activities such as Zip-lining over the profound Gorge, a bit of Adrenalin-fuelling fun, hiking where you will be able to oversee waterfalls & the park itself, get a chance to spot some infrequent wild game such as White-tailed Gnu, the huge Eland, etc.

Lunch & then proceed from this nature reserve, past the prime water basin for Highveld (Maguga Dam), & then be able to spot the ancient rock Art (the elaborated numbers on the rock do articulate stories of a long-gone age/epoch that is painted by the Bushmen who settled in the place years ago. Dinner & overnight stay. 

Accommodation – Silverstone Falls lodge

Day 2: Sibebe Rock

A bit of detail about this rock is that it is recognized as the 2nd chief rock freely upended on the globe, Swaziland’s chief lucid rock, believed to have magical powers. On top of this rock, its tableland does offer you a chance to widely & greatly have a clear spot of Pine Valley plus the crests in the East.

As you Hike, passing the mansions, caves, streams of renewed water, then you will spot livestock wandering such as cows, then engage in a stroll of the several societies positioned in the distant area of this country. Lunch & then transfer to Ezulwini Valley where you will spend an overnight stay, plus Dinner.

Accommodation – Cave in Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

Day 3: Execution Rock positioned in Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

Enjoy your breakfast that is served after being cooked on the fire, since it’s a cave, then transfer to the preserve where you will spot wildlife such as snooping wildebeests, Zebras, the refined Impalas, to mention but a few, since you are on a stroll, a greater chance awaits for you to even take clear photos of the wild game close to you. Later engage in hiking of the execution Rock. Lunch, Dinner & overnight stay.

Accommodation – Reilly Rock Hilltop lodge

Day 4: Cultural trip & Hilane Royal National Park

Hilane Royal National Park
Hilane Royal National Park

Breakfast & then transfer to the Urban village of Lobamba (cultural capital of Swaziland), here you will have a stroll via the society & get to know about these people’s daily living, their cultures, beliefs, to mention but a few. Then once this is done, transfer to Swaziland’s 2nd largest city –Manzini, have a stopover stroll via the local market where they sell items such as fabrics, traditional medicine, vegetables, etc. Finally, on that day, transfer to Hlane Royal National Park where you will have a chance to widely view game like Rhinos, Hippos, then later after lunch, Dinner & overnight stay

Accommodation – Bushcamp (Hlane Royal National Park)

Day 5: Hlane Royal National Park & Shewula Community

Enjoy your ‘cooked on fire’ breakfast, then set off to Lubombo mountains (Shewula society is located here), which does border with the country of Mozambique, & in this sense you are able to view Maputo plus the sea from the uppermost. Lunch is prepared by the ladies in this society, then engage in the society stroll, watch their homesteads, spot the women brewing beer & get an opportunity to taste their local brew, lucky enough you might bump into the medicine women(Sangomas) who remedy different kinds of illnesses using herbs/basils, clouts & concoctions, could also bump into the old warriors who love it when exposing their traditional regalia, then, after all, that, transfer back to Shewula. Dinner & overnight stay.

Accommodation – Charming Huts (Hlane Royal National Park)

Day 6:  Mlawula Nature Reserve

Breakfast & then transfer to Mlawula Nature Reserve, striking reserve, you will be able to enjoy spotting the nature all around you, then conclude the climbing at the Cave overseeing the central valley of Siphiso. Once concluded you will be picked & transferred back to the Airport for your departure flight.

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