

Kibale national park

Kibale national park is located in Western Uganda Kabarole district is where you find the most magnificent of Uganda’s tropical rain forests and one of the most rewarding areas to explore, The Kibale National Park, it adjoins Queen Elizabeth stretch to the south, this adjoining makes a 180 km (110) wildlife corridor. It is an important eco-tourism and safari destination, popular for its Chimpanzees habituation. Kibale prides itself as being Africa’s protected area for primates with over 13 species including the chimps, Chimpanzees are primates that share 95% of human DNA making them Man’s closest cousin. This National Park has contributed widely in Uganda’s tourism industry because it harbors some of the endangered species that catch the eyes and the largest number of Chimpanzees in the country, Makerere University Biological Field station is also located in the park. The park is approximately 800 sqm in size and it’s located 1,200 m to 1650m elevation, The attractions in kibale national park are both montane and lowland. animals in kibale national park, Primate species include the L’Hoest’s Monkeys, Uganda red colobus, Mangabey, Blue Monkey, white and Black colobus monkeys. Mammals that come from the nearby Queen Elizabeth National park such as blue duikers, bushbucks, warthogs, Buffaloes, Bush pigs, Elephants, forest hogs. Kibale National park is also a hub of 335 bird species such the Olive long-tailed cuckoo, Afep pigeon, Crowned Eagle, Red-chested Owlet, Little Greenbul, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, African Grey Parrot among others. Over 300 tree species within the tropical forest park, 250 species of butterfly Kibale National Park can be visited any time of the year, the park is managed by Uganda wildlife Authority just like any other park in Uganda.

Kibale national park history

Facts about Kibale, the park was gazetted in 1932 as a logged forest area by the British and they were extracting hardwood from it, collecting the wild coffee, instead of protecting the natural authenticity of the forest, They later planted the forest with exotic trees in the areas where they had cleared off the hard trees. In 1948 the area was gazetted as a forest reserve but the British continued on the extraction of hardwood trees following the construction of the kilembe copper mines.
However in 1993 kibale forest was formally established to be kibale national Park and in 1944 the Uganda National parks took over the responsibility of the park hence controlling all the conservation work in the forest. When Uganda National Parks and Uganda game department merged to form Uganda Wildlife Authority, since then the UWA has been so progressive in conserving the forest and also trying to bring back authenticity up to date.

Activities vin kibale national park

Hiking and natural walks

This is an exploration of the park’s diverse habitals providing very close contact with nature, You will enjoy the nature hiking walks in kibale forest park and have great views of rivers, swamps different tree species, birds, grassland and don’t forget to remind the guide to show you the naked Adam and Eve tree one of kibale’s unique wonders.

Gorilla habituation

This is the best tourist activity in the park, During habituation you will follow researchers as they follow chimpanzees through out their day, you can spend the whole day in the forest and enjoy chimpanzee habituation, thi will pay off all the expenditures and time spent because its a lifetime experience worth all the expenditure. You will have a chance to study and train the chimpanzees to live close to humans without them getting afraid as they play, feed. Kibale National Park is the best place for habituation.

chimpanzee trekking in kibale national park

kibale national park

This activity starts very early in the morning after a short briefing at the park headquarters, where you will spend an hour with the chimpanzee in their home. This trek can last for 2 hours to a whole day depending on where the chimps hosted the previous night. You will have an opportunity to know the do’s and don’ts of the chimps, view them feeding, playing among others. This activity requires you to carry packed lunch , take as many pictures as possible provided the camera has no flash lights. This is led by an experienced guide who knows the trails of the forest.

Visit Amabere caves

This place carry with it an interesting ancient story which will be told to you on reaching the Amabere meaning “breasts”, This activity can be done together with Hiking

Nakayima witch tree

This tree is believed by locals to have powers to heal infertility, cure diseases and relationship failure.The tree is found on your way to Kibale National Park hence you can opt to stop over at the tree.

Bush craft children

Children below the age of 12 are not allowed to hike, while parents are hiking, kids can go for bushcraft.Parents can enjoy their forest walk with the knowledge that their children are occupied in worthwhile activity with trained ranger guides.

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