

Masai Mara National Reserve

Masai Mara national reserve is the most popular safari destination in Kenya famous for the great wildebeest migration and the big 5,  located in the south of Nairobi along the border of Kenya and Tanzania and lies in the Great Rift Valley.


Masai Mara Game reserve

Masai Mara national reserve is the most  world-famous wildlife safari covering an area of 1,510 square kilometers, the park is composed of open plains, rolling hills and it is traversed by 2 two rivers that are Mara River and Talek River flowing in the northern direction.

Facts about Masai Mara national reserve is that Masai Mara is divided into 3 sections that are Mara Triangle, Sekenani, and Musiara, the Park inhabits a variety of wildlife species such as lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, cheetahs, wildebeests, topis, elands,  antelopes, giraffes, and many more, whereby, the best time to visit masai mara nationa reserve is late Jun and early October,

Masai Mara national reserve

There are over 470 bird species in Masai Mara reserve  such as Abdim’s stork, African Finfoot, African wood owl, Ayres’s hawk eagle, Cinnamon-breasted bunting, Denham’s bustard, Giant kingfisher, Grey-crested helmet-shrike, Grey penduline tit, Hildebrandt’s Starling, Jackson’s widowbird, Lazy cisticola, Ostrich, Purple grenadier, Red-throated tit and many more where by altitude at the game reserve  fevers all wildlife species and this has boosting safaris and tours in east Africa and Africa at large.

Masai Mara game reserve offers amazing safari activities such as game viewing,  hot air balloon safari, guided nature walks, cultural safaris, and guided walking safaris and hotels inside the game reserve at Masai Mara  and hotel outside  near the game reserve are very affordable luxury and  mid range,double rooms and single and good tight security is provided to ensure the safety of the tourists while at the game reserve.

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