

Is an African Safari Safe?

Safety is a very sensitive topic to travelers intending to go for An Africa safari, Africa as a very rewarding destination receives over 5 million tourists per year, and while on a safari there are many threats which accompany coming or a safari which raises many questions about safety.

The most asked question asked by travelers “is an African safari safe”, there are a lot of concerns following this question and this article answers most asked questions about the safety of African safari.

Is terrorism an issue on Africa Safari?

Terrorism was once an issue on the African continent but in recent years the occurrences of terrorism are minimal, that said terrorist attacks shouldn’t be a hindrance to your African safari. Prominent African destinations have put a lot of measures to minimize the occurrence of terrorism and one of these measures is upgrading security in African safari destinations and entry points such as airports and borders. If you are coming to Africa, terrorism should be less of your safety worries.

Which African areas considered to be dangerous for an African Safari?

Africa as a continent is generally safe though a few incidences of riots and other trouble are experienced which is common in other parts of the world and doesn’t make Africa a dangerous destination, the only region known for being dangerous is central Africa particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo where civil wars are rampant and political unrest which has resulted into severe dangers to the tourists. However, there are many more secure regions to go for an African safari such as East Africa, South Africa, North Africa, and West Africa.

What are the general crimes in Africa?

On the African continent, South Africa as a country has the highest rate of crime such as rape, murder, a street crime when compared to other African destination, when it comes to crime Africa shouldn’t be considered as a very terrifying place and destination to avoid for a safari as crime happened a very where in the world. The issue should be about how to save yourself as a traveler from these crimes, as a traveler on An Africa safari there are many ways to avoid becoming a victim of crimes, and these include

  • Be cautious most especially in urban centers as mugging and theft is common
  • Avoid walking in adorned and dark areas
  • Do not interact with unfamiliar individuals
  • Do not move with your valuable belongings such as credit cards, large sums of money, laptops as they attract criminals
  • Inform your safari guide about your whereabouts and if possible move in his company as he knows more about the destination.

Safety from wild animals

The fact is animals encountered on An African safari are wild such as lions, rhinos, cheetahs, and hyenas, the fact that these animals are wild possess a risk to travelers while on their African safari.

Is an African Safari Safe & How to keep safe on An African safari
Is an African Safari Safe & How to keep safe on An African safari

African animals are not only dangerous, they are also poisonous and venomous which is why safety against these animals while on an African safari is very paramount. Some of the most dangerous wildlife include rhinos the deadliest land animal in the world, crocodiles, lions, leopards, cheetahs, spiders, snakes, and many more.

These animals are responsible for the deaths of over 500 individuals in Africa per year.

Animals attacking travelers is very uncommon and when this sad occasion occurs, the traveler is partly to blame because most travelers tend to disobey park guidelines and rules offered to them at the beginning of the African safari by their guides.

However, there are many ways travelers can keep away from harm’s way while in presence of these animals such as strictly following the park’s rules and regulations such as not leaving your safari vehicle while wildlife viewing, follow your guide’s instructions, always remember to stick with your group and do not wander off in the thick jungles alone.

Accommodation safety

Safety at the accommodation is a very worrying issue to travelers on An African safari, in Africa’s destinations a wide range of accommodation is offered ranging from basic/ budget, midrange, and luxury and they come in form of lodges and safari camps. Security concerns about the accommodation are more of attack from human beings and animals, most of the accommodation facilities in African destinations are very secure and have 24 security camera surveillance and security personals. To tight the security at lodges and camps, noon residents are usually not allowed on the premises.

Another safety concern about accommodation is the animals entering the accommodation facilities such as tents and lodges, Africa tendencies of animals attacking travelers while in their accommodations is very rare as animals are very scared of the humans and when it happens it is greatly a fault to the travelers. Animals are attracted to travelers’ residence because of food, most travelers defy rules and regulations of not feeding the animals, tourists are fond of feeding animals with leftover bones and meat which attract animals such as monkeys and baboons, lions, leopards, and many more.

To keep yourself safe from animals entering your accommodation is by avoiding the tendencies of feeding while animals.

Disease risks on An African safari

There is a high risk of disease in most African destinations while on a safari on the African continent, the major disease risk on the African continent is malaria which is spread by mosquitoes, dengue fever, encephalitis, and yellow fever. These diseases are very severe and deadly and have claimed over 20,000 – 30,000 people per year on the African continent, other diseases on the African continent include cholera, rabies, and hepatitis. For your safety against these diseases while on African safari there are many ways to prevent them such as

  • Take your vaccinations and seek medical advice before traveling to Africa for an African safari
  • Use insect repellent while on an African safari to reduce mosquito and other insect bites.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while on an African safari

These methods will help you reduce the risk of contracting diseases while on an African safari 

Is heat a problem on An African Safari?

As it is known well known, Africa as a continent is generally hot with too much sunshine at some period of the year most especially in the dry season, heat is a concern to most travelers coming for An African safari as it has effects such as causing irritation, skin cancer and many more. For safety against heat, you are recommended to carry sunscreen, a hat, light clothing to wear on your safari, and drink a lot of water to keep you hydrated.

How to keep safe on An African safari

Safety is a major concern while on an African safari, no one wishes to go through traumatic incidences such as having their belonging is stolen or their life threatened by abductors and rebels instead of having a good memorable time on an African safari. For a travelers’ safety and trouble-free experience while in Africa, here are a couple of things one can do to be safe and these include

  • Use an ethical African safari tour operator – when booking An African safari make sure that you use an ethical Africa safari tour operator who is so strict and concerned about the travelers’ safety. And as a traveler make sure you bid with the rules given to you by your operator most especially when in presence of mountain gorillas.
  • Follow instructions from your guide – your safari guide knows more about the destinations and animals more than you do as a traveler that is why it is very crucial that your follow his instructions as they are intended to keep you safe.
  • Take necessary vaccinations – before you fly to Africa for an African safari, get an update on the necessary vaccinations you need on your safari for a specific destination. Various African destinations require various vaccinations such as Yellow fever, Malaria vaccinations, and many more.
  • Take precautions while in urban areas – urban centers are a source of crimes such as kidnap, theft, and many more which may put your safety at risk, some of the precautions to take include to be aware of your surroundings, do not walk with valuable and big bags as they attract criminals, when walking try to look more confident. The precaution do not completely erase crimes in urban centers but help to minimize them.
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