

What is the Best time to visit Namibia?

The best time to visit Namibia is in the Dry season from June to October, although it can be visited throughout the year. Wildlife viewing in all parks, but especially in Etosha, is best in the Dry season. The climate is generally dry and pleasant. Between December and March, some days will be humid and rain may follow, often in localized, afternoon thunderstorms. In the Wet season, animals move away from the waterholes and scatter around the park.

  • Best Time; June to October (All parks)
  • High Season; July to October (Will not feel too crowded, except for Etosha and the main access road in Namib-Naukluft)
  • Low Season; December to April (All parks are very quiet)
  • Best Weather; April and May (Moderate temperatures, little to no rainfall, green landscape)
  • Worst Weather; November to February (Very hot)
  • May to October –Dry Season – Winter

Wildlife congregates around rivers and waterholes, making animals easier to spot – it is the best time to visit Etosha

There are no clouds, it’s sunny, and there is virtually no rain

Even though most tourists visit during the Dry season, the parks still don’t feel crowded, except for Etosha

It gets cold at night and in the mornings – it’s advisable to pack warm winter clothing during June, July, and August for the cold morning game drives

November to April –Wet Season – Summer

After the rains, the scenery is greener and the rates are lower because it’s low season

This is the time of the year you can see newborn animals – migratory birds are present, and birding is at its best

Rains are mostly short showers in the afternoon and rarely have a negative impact on your trip

It gets very hot from October to February

It’s more difficult to spot animals – this is especially true for Etosha

Best Time to Go to Namibia by Major Park

If seeing wildlife is your main objective, the best time to visit all parks, especially Etosha, is in the Dry season from May to October. Namibia is a scenic country and can be visited throughout the year. The colors will be most vibrant during and after the Wet season. October to February can be unpleasantly hot.

Travel advice

  • Avoid driving outside towns at night as wildlife and stray livestock pose a serious hazard.
  • Violent street crime can affect foreign tourists, particularly in Windhoek.
  • If traveling along the Zambezi region, stick to the well-travelled routes. See
  • You should carry identification with you at all times. Unless you need to have your passport with you for immigration purposes or passing through security checkpoints, leave it in your hotel safe and carry a photocopy for ID.
  • Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Namibia, attacks can’t be ruled out.
  • Most visits to Namibia are trouble-free.
  • If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission
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